Exam preparation tips for high school students

As a high school student, periodic writing of exams is certain. This is done to ascertain your worthiness and readiness to move to a higher class or level.

Examination measures how prepared students are to receive more complex lectures. As a high school student, you need to pass your exams at all times, to enable you succeed academically.

This article has exams preparation tips for high school students to enable them pass their exams without difficulty.

To prepare for exams effectively as a high school student, do the following:

  1. Be intentional in all you do in school
  2. Study effectively and actively
  3. Have a study space
  4. Always have a to-do list
  5. Study only what is important
  6. Plan your activities every single day
  7. Have a study life balance
  8. Eat healthy
  9. Get enough sleep every day
  10. Revise your jottings few hours to your exams

#1. Be intentional in all you do in school

Every student should be intentional in all they do in school. This is first step towards an effective preparation for your exams.

Being intentional entails that you have reasons for everything you\’re doing in school. For instance, if you want to read, say a novel, you should ask yourself why you need to read the novel.

Being intentional as a high school student makes you accountable for all your actions and its results.

As a student, always ask yourself questions about everything you want to do before engaging in it. Don\’t just do it things for doing sake or to fulfill all righteousness.

 #2. Study effectively and actively

Studying is different from reading. In studying, students strive to comprehend but this is not always true for reading.

Effective studying entails that you plan your studies, choose a serene, secured and lit environment for it and go with only the materials you need. Doing this reduces distractions which often leads to an ineffective study.

On the other hand, active study entails having a study objectives, meeting these objectives at the end of the day, practising using old questions papers to see if you really understood what you studied.

It also involves taking of notes in your own words where possible to enhances revision the following day. Yes, we recommend that students revise everything the studied the previous day before picking other materials to study.

#3. Have a study space

If one needs to see a lawyer, he goes to a court for it. If one is sick, he visits a hospital to be treated. Classrooms are made for teaching of students.

Having a place dedicated for a particular thing is important.

As a student a need to have a study space. In your study space, don\’t do any other thing except studying. If possible, don\’t study unless it\’s in your study space. This will, over time, become a habit to your advantage.

Ensure that your study space is very spacious to allow you stretch when necessary, well lit, devoid of pests and pets, noise proof, and away from your sleeping space.

Having a conductive space for studying will allow you to prepare effectively for exams.

#4. Always have a to-do list

When preparing for an exam, always ensure that you don\’t jump into activities that come up. Any impromptu activities shouldn\’t be attended to except they are from your teachers and are for your academic benefits.

Having a to-do list enables you to stay and remain focused throughout the day. It will be a guide to you. Of course, we expect that, in your to-do list, more of the items will be about your exams.

#5. Study only what is important

As a student, you may be tempted to study many things at a time. In the library, there are thousands and one interesting books to read. Even in the internet, we have got plenty interesting works to read, including research works.

To pass your exams, which is the most important thing to do as a student, learn to study only what is important. During an academic session, focus more on materials that are in the curriculum for the term/semester. Don\’t even study what is to come in the following terms/semester. Doing so is being on unserious and not focusing on the important thing.

So, to prepare effectively for your exams, study only what will be set in your exams and leave the rest until you\’re done with your exams.

#6. Plan your activities every single day

In the words of Benjamin Franklin, anyone who doesn\’t have a plan, plans to fail.

Whether in life, exams, or anything, ones you don\’t have a plan, then your plan, by default, is to fail. So, to pass your exams with flying colours, you need to plan your activities, including your studies, first thing in the morning.

Doing so will enable you to be and remain focused throughout the day. Before stepping out for the day, be sure of what you\’re to do, how to do them, when and where to do them.

#7. Have a study life balance

A popular proverb has it that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. This is only but the truth. Studying is an exercise to the brain as it enables us grow mentally. Without studying, we will be stagnated mentally. Over time, we may even undergo a negative growth whereby will be begin to forget what we initially knew.

This is true for muscles and our healthy generally. We need to engage in extracurricular activities including exercises to remain fit. Students who have a good study life balance tend to perform better in schools.

#8. Eat healthy

What we eat defines us. What we eat matter a lot. Those who eat balanced diet live healthier and have sharper brains. Having a sharp brain as a student will enable you to prepare effectively for exams.

Some students, during exams, then to focus entirely on reading but this shouldn\’t be the case. Students shouldn\’t joke with what they eat, especially during exams. Eating balanced diet helps students to study and understand which is the first step towards passing ones exams.

If possible, get yourself some essential vitamins and minerals that support mental health. An example of these is DHA. Your doctor or pharmacist will advise you better on this.

#9. Get enough sleep every day

During exams, some students try not to sleep to enable them finish what they need to read before their exam time.  This is often caused by not starting early to study to study for exams. Take note of the \”studying for exams\”. Another reason for having a lot of materials to read few days or hours to ones\’ exam is not having personal jotted notes.

Not sleeping enough during exams does more harm than good to students. It can actually lead to blackouts in an exam hall, a situation whereby you will not be able to remember what you read few hours to the exam.

Have you ever wondered why you get aches in your muscles when you over work or over exercises? This is because you failed to rest when it was needed.

Sleep is designed to enable our body to rest. During sleep, a lot of cells rebuilding, information storage and waste elimination happen, even at a more efficient manner.

The brain rests during sleep, and get prepared to absorb and store more information that will be sent to it later. A student who don\’t get enough sleep every day, by default, stress his brain cells. A stressed brain performs below normal.

So, to study effectively for exams as a student, always get a enough sleep every day.

#10. Revise your jottings few hours to your exams

If you need to read more few hours to your exam time, then you must use your jottings. Don\’t even attempt to use your text books or your teachers/lecturers notes. They will be bulkier than your jotted notes.

Using your notes to do revision few hours to your exams is very important. It will allow you to finish everything in minutes or hours depending on your course volume.

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