Best ways to study to excel in school

Studying is an activity, often academic, that involves reading, observation, examination, or experimenting with the view to learning or acquiring knowledge.

As an act, it requires time and attention to enable one gain its result, which is knowledge.

The most commonest tool used for studying is book. Here, information are put in books in form of writing, drawings, graphs, mathematical formula, etc and students then study the book to gain the knowledge therein.

There are different ways people study and these ways are individualized. That’s to say, people identify a way for themselves and stick to it.

There are no fixed ways to study to perform well. But over time, some persons have identified best and effective ways to simplify studying with regards to fast comprehension, easy assimilation and retrieval.

Of course, we study to gain knowledge and there can be no knowledge transfer unless we understand what we are studying at first.

So, when studying, we first of all understand what we are studying, assimilate it, retrieve it when there are needs for it, and then put it to use.

There are no fixed ways to study to excel academically but there are proven ways to study to perform excellently. These best and proven ways to study study is what this article discusses.

Best ways to study effectively

The following are best ways students, scholars, teachers, and anyone who is studying can do it for an fast comprehension, easy assimilation, and retrieval when needed for use or application.

  1. Choose a conductive environment
  2. Take away any source of distraction
  3. Do a goal oriented preparation and organisation:
    • what you want to study
    • the hour to study it
    • your learning objectives
    • the expectations and key performance indicators (KPIs) of what you want to study
  4. Start with simple, and easy to understand study materials
  5. Take breaks at predetermined time intervals
  6. Take notes during study (in your own words if possible)
  7. Go through your jottings to confirm that it’s error proof before picking another
  8. Check your KPIs and studying objectives to see if you achieved them
    • If achieved, take your next material (at your convenience. This could be the following day)
    • If not achieved completely, go through the section you didn’t understand and try to study it again
    • If you cannot still understand it, look for someone to teach you that part
  9. 24 hours later, read through your jottings to refresh your mind. Your speed here will be dependent on you.
  10. Repeat the process again for another study material.

1. Choose a conductive environment

One of the best ways to study is to choose a serene, secured, pet proof and well lit environment.

A typical example of this kind of environment is library.

Studying in a well lit, pets and rodents proof, secure, and noiseless room makes concentration easier.

Fast understanding comes with concentration while studying.

Read how to concentrate while studying to learn more about its effects in studying.

2. Take away any source of distraction

Studying without distractions enables one to concentrate. Comprehension of what is being studied is faster when there are no distractions.

Sources of distractions you should do away with include the following:

  • Musics
  • Videos
  • Games
  • Social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,etc.
  • Friends (unless you’re doing a group study)
  • Phones calls etc.

3. Preparation and organisation

For an effective study, you need to prepare for it. Preparation for study may entail noting what to study, where to study, time to spend per material, among others. Organisation, on the other hand, may entail getting your needed study material ready, putting your study area in order and clean, etc.

Without proper preparation and organisation, studying may happen without much comprehension.

4. Start with simple, and easy to understand study materials

There is a way humans function, if we become overwhelmed by tasks, we tend to abandon them for a later time (and this is nothing but procrastination).

In addition, if we accomplish tasks successfully, arriving at our desired results, we tend to go for more tasks, even with high spirits.

To study effectively, one of the best ways to go about it is to start with small and easy to understand materials first.

After completing the easiest ones, then we go to the next until we finally get to the most complex and difficult one.

This way, we will keeping going without being easily overwhelmed.

5. Take breaks at predetermined time intervals

Over work anything and see it break down. Even machines break down if subjected to work above its capacity.

In physics, there is what is called elastic limit, beyond which anything stops working or material go into deformation.

To study without breaking down, rest intermittently. Have break periods and maintain them.

6. Take notes during study (in your own words if possible)

Note taking help greatly during review or recitation.

After studying and 24 hours later, we recommend that you revise what you studied to make it stick to your brain.

Unless you took note, underlined or highlighted salient points, revision or recitation wouldn’t be easy.

It would seems as if you’re studying the material all over again. This can be demoralising.

Note taking, therefore, is one of the best and effective ways to study as a student.

8. Check your KPIs and studying objectives to see if you achieved them

During preparation and organisation, you’re expected to have a clearly defined study objectives. Put down in writing what you want to achieve. When done, also note indicators that will enable you know that you have achieved them.

Checking to know if your study objectives are met is one way to be a better students of what you’re studying.

9. 24 hours later, read through your jottings to refresh your mind

Revision and/or recitation a day after studying a material will enable it stick better in your brain.

Don’t use because you understood what you studied very well and forget to go through your jottings.

Revision, a day after studying, is one of the best ways to study as it enables you to eternally assimilate what you studied.

10. Repeat the process again for another study material

In life, whenever you identify something that works, stick to it.

Repetition allows for a bigger and better result.

You wouldn’t know the power of cumulative effect until you try it.



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